Day trip

I went to Big Sur the other day. 


It takes about 50 minutes from where we live.  My hubby told me out of nowhere that he wanted to take me to Deetjen's a couple of days prior to this.  I was like why not?  I had never heard of the place but he said they serve breakfast.  I thought it sounded good so I said yes.  

Deetjen's is a restaurant in Big Sur Inn.  This tiny coastal town is in a magical place.  We'd been to "Big Sur" many times.  Well, it's more accurate to say we'd passed by this town many times but never stopped by and spent time there.  So this was the day for us to enjoy this world class location.  

先日 Big Sur に行ってきました。 ビッグサーは私たちの住んでる場所から50分ほど離れた海岸沿いの小さな町です。 ダンナさんが突然朝食がけっこうおいしいというらしいお店に連れってってあげる、と言うことでよし行こう!というノリで行くことになりました。 


私たち、まだLA感覚が抜けず、この辺はあんまり知りません。 ビッグサーは何度も通り過ぎたことはあるんだけれども。。。 と言うことで、楽しんで来ることにしました。



Isn't this enchanting?  This is an entrance of Deetjen’s.  



It was around Halloween so you can see these big all pumpkins by the door!




Everything about this place is whimsical and fairytale-like!  In fact my hubby spotted a fairy😂 Believe it or not, it's a true story.




This is my Earl Grey tea.  We sat at the outside table.  We just wanted to breathe in everything about this Alice in Wonderland.  



This is my breakfast.  I ordered Egg Benedict.  You get to choose what you want in it so I picked vegetarian sausage, avocado and smoked salmon.  You see the cheese and sour cream in there in between and over English muffins.  It's almost like breakfast burgers.  It is greasy and a huge portion but I loved it!  By the way, American breakfast usually contains eggs and you choose what kind of eggs you want.  There are omelets, scrambled, sunny side up, frittata, poached just to name it.  


エッグベネディクト、って日本でもはやっていますか? こちらでは朝食のメニューとして取り上げられています。イングリッシュ マフィンはちょっと酸味があって一般的によく知られている甘いマフィンとは違います。 こうしてみるとバーガーのように見えますね。中身は選べるのでキノコ類やホウレンソウ、トマトなどもありましたがこの日は奮発してヘビーなものを! ベジタリアンソーセージとスモークサーモンはあまり合わなかったので次はお野菜とマッチングしてみます。


アメリカの朝食ってたまご系多いです。 料理の仕方も選べます。デニーズなんかでけっこうオーダーできるので、知ってる人も多いとは思いますが。。。




Big Sur has a forest, too! The beauty of this place is that it is coastal while all the trees surround it.  There are many inns and campgrounds for outdoor people and it's just breathtakingly beautiful.  

I was so glad he took me there.  It's different from just passing by when you actually spend time.  We both had a fabulous time.  We definitely wanna go back there!  Next time for dinner! 

